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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Help Others. Find Yourself.

So often people go away on vacations, near or far, and come disappointed with their day-t0-day lives. 'Voluntourism' combines a great trip with the opportunity to assist people in the local area you're visiting, as well as to learn much more about the part of the world you're in.

This blog provides information on charities in countries all over the world, so that visitors can contact a charity they're interested in to arrange a volunteering session, for an hour, a day, a week, a month - anything helps! If you're not going away anytime soon, maybe you could look up your own country and see what's possible?

I hope that people will use this blog to share their experiences and ideas. If you know of any deserving charities that could be added, please do so, and if you have volunteered while on holiday, please let us know. The easiest way to find a country you're interested in helping is to make use of the search bar above.

1 comment:

  1. Finally a blog that makes it easy to find organizations in each country. Very useful!
